tar xvfz smtp_relay_server_src.tar.gz
Now you have to compile and archive the files. You go into the new created directory named smtp_relay_server and execute the following two commands:
javac -O -d . *.java
jar -cvf smtp_relayserver.jar smtp_relayserver/
Open now the smtp_relayserver.conf file and change the entries as following:
NameServer1: [type here a name server who is near from you, like the providers first one]
NameServer2: [type here a name server who is near from you, like the providers second one]
Administrator: [type here the e-mail address of the computer owner]
You can determine the name servers with nslookup or by asking your provider.
After you have done all the steps above, you can start the relay server. To do that, you need the rights to create sockets on the TCP port 25 and on the UDP port 53. Ask your administrator or execute it as root, if you don't have these rights. To execute it with the java virtual machine, type:
java -classpath $CLASSPATH:smtp_relayserver.jar smtp_relayserver.SMTPRelayServer
where $CLASSPATH points to the java libray archive classes.zip.
In this case, the config file smtp_relayserver.conf must be in the current directory. If you want it in another one, /etc for example, just type:
java -classpath $CALSSPATH:smtp_relayserver.jar smtp_relayserver.SMTPRelayServer /etc/smtp_relayserver.conf